The table ensures extra stability for the child. The child can put his arms on the table and lean on it, this will make him sit up more straight by himself. He has to do some effort by himself with is better than a belt around his chest, because exercise is good for the child, otherwise he will get lazy which is bad for his muscles.
The table is made in the same style as the seat.
We used the multiplex. Dimensions:
– table leaf: 390x310x5mm
cutout for the belly: 260x150mm
– table legs: 310x210x5mm
To make the cutout for the belly, measure the waist of the child and see for yourself what the best measurement is for your child.
To put the table together, we used the same technique as the seat so we drill holes in the planks 20 mm of the borders. The holes are drilled 30mm from each other. For the plank, also drilling 20mm from the border and 30mm from each other.
For stability, we attached 4 laths again on the side planks, on each side plank, two laths. This laths are 18x15x310mm.
The planks are fixed to each other with rope again, we will do this in the same way as we did with the seat.
The loop that can be seen on the pictures has been stitched out of the skai and attached with staples onto the middle plank. This loop can be attached onto the support pants. This ensures that the table can’t be pushed away by the child while he is playing. This gives extra safety.