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Eye Gaze Frame

April 6, 2018 in Solution

Eye gaze frames (also called E-Tran or Eye Transfer frames) can help physically disabled people who are also non-verbal to communicate through eye movements. Any symbols or letters can be fixed to the clear plastic frame, enabling two people to communicate when looking through the frame. This is a low-tech and versatile solution allowing people to express choices and opinions through and communicate ideas with other people.

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This design features handles to hold the frame, and stands to use on a tray or table. This design used 6mm acrylic sheet. It can be easily made using a laser cutter or CNC router – you can contact Cracked-it’s sponsor DEMAND Design & Manufacture for Disability or your local makerspace to get help manufacturing this design.

Remember to click the ‘This Design Helped Me’ button if you give this a try!

Download the digital design file.